Freelance hourly rate calculator
Freelancer Hourly Rate Calculator Template
This Notion template is designed to help freelancers accurately calculate their minimum hourly rate to cover expenses and achieve financial goals. It's a powerful tool to take control of your finances and set realistic rates for your work.
With this template, you can:
- Track Personal Expenses: rent, food, transportation, and more.
- Include Business Costs: software subscriptions, equipment, and other overheads.
- Set Financial Goals: define how much profit you want to make.
- Account for Taxes: easily include tax percentages in your calculation.
- Calculate Based on Workload: input your available working hours and months.
This template ensures you're not undervaluing your time and helps you make informed decisions about pricing your services. It's especially helpful for freelancers looking to maintain financial stability while growing their business.
Freelance hourly rate calculator Notion template
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